September 30, 2007

The Horror in Auror-er.

According to '08 Presidental candidate and senator (D-IL) Barack Obama, "[Aurora, Illinois] has seen an increase in the uninsured population, as well as an increase in sexually transmitted disease rates."
It's only logical that Planned Parenthood would want to open an Aurora Health Center, where residents can learn accurate information on sex and reproductive rights, receive birth control and breast exams, and if need be, abortions.
Religiose anti-choicers are at it again, and they are trying incessantly to prevent the clinic from opening it's doors. Extremists have photographed the cars of employees and pro-choice protesters, and are tracing the plate numbers back to their homes, intent on picketing.
We cannot let a few radicals speak for the residents of Aurora. Contact the Aurora city government, and please give them a piece of yo' mind.

Mayor Tom Weisner's office: (630) 844- 3612
Aurora City Council: (630) 844- 3619
Aurora City Hall: (630)264- 4636

Welcome to WomensWrites!

Welcome to the Blog! Marissa and I will be posting in random intervals to give you, the reader, our views and opinions on modern feminist issues that we think are important to talk about. Don't be surprised if we just rant a lot. Our objective is to inform the public (or how ever many people are too bored to read anything else) about these issues and why it is crucial to know of them. I will probably be doing some posts about GLBT issues occasionally because feminism and gay rights are often put together, even though they are very different subjects. Course, the main reason why I personally will be talking about GLBT issues is just because it is a main rant point for me. If you have any particular topics that you would like us to cover, just leave a comment and we'll get to it eventually. (Hopefully.)

This blog is not meant to offend, depreciate, or devalue certain viewpoints... we just think ours are better.
