November 1, 2007

Ann Coulter's Ideas are Uglier than Her Body

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter may not be the beacon for female empowerment. The politically-involved woman who believes woman shouldn't be involved in politics, Coulter is rarely logical and always shocking. Saying Jews need to be perfected and calling Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards a “faggot” is one thing. Using Seinfeld (which, by the way, is by-in-large a Jewish comedy) to support her outlandish views on interracial couples? That’s just ludicrous. Ann Coulter may be an enigma, but we can’t simply ignore her and hope that one day she wakes up and realizes she’s wrong about pretty much everything.

This being said, criticizing Coulter’s physical appearance is not the answer. She may be suspiciously thin, but eating disorders are no joke. She may slightly resemble a man to some, but being transgender should not be a diss. When Ann Coulter says “liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole”, we merely reply, “You have ugly arms, Ann Coulter!”

As Coulter once said, “I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am.” Luckily, that is a very small portion of people, so Ann Coulter must not be getting any action. Let’s not stoop to Coulter's level and let's start laughing at her “ideas” and not her clothes.


Emily said...

Well spoken. I've always found it really annoying when people use insults as if they pose any real threat to refuting someone's idea.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Initiating dialogue is worlds better than throwing around trite schoolyard insults.

Anonymous said...
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Emily said...
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Anonymous said...

clothes aren't behind the words of wisdom!!! meaning and feeling are behind the words of wisdom!!

Anonymous said...

Have you read this?