November 27, 2007

UPDATE: A Side of Personal Accomplishment

Be sure to glance at a copy of The Chicago Tribune tomorrow. A letter to the editor written by yours truly will be in the "Voice of the People" section! For those of you who might not know me personally, this will be my second editorial.
Admittedly, I deleted the file with my editorial on it, so I can't sneak
you a peak and tell you what I said verbatim. I can tell you, however, that my piece was in response to a column which noted the lack of "nice" female political figures. In the editorial, I tell it like it is and share what I think makes a good president.
Tomorrow, the full text will be posted, as well as an analysis of my analysis.

"In "By ignoring slur, McCain said a lot," columnist Leonard Pitts suggests that niceness is an important trait in political candidates, a characteristic of which he claims all female politicians are devoid. Even if I were to ignore the blatant sexism and assume that Pitts is correct in his observation, one question still lingers: So what?

Our next president must be steadfast in opinion and articulate at the podium. America needs someone opinionated, firm and passionate to guide her through this time of international change and conflict. Of traits a leader needs to succeed, "nice" hardly makes the Top 20.

Will American voters elect a leader or a golfing buddy?"

(Click here to read my editorial on The Trib's page, and click here to read Pitts' original post.)

Will "niceness" be an important trait for you to consider when you vote in '08? Do you believe, that Pitts is being sexist, or just giving an honest opinion?


Unknown said...

wow!!!! ur second editiorial!! fantastic accomplishments!!!! good job!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Unfortunately, many of us don't subscribe to the Chicago Tribune. So, would you please post the article soon? Thanks!

Emily said...

As much as I agree with you, Marissa, I cannot deny that most of America is politically stupid. Many Americans really will vote for a golfing buddy. I think that Pitts is just making an observation on female canidates, and while it's not necesarilly sexist... it still makes me cringe. Niceness will play a huge factor in the major vote because it's important for the President to be personable as well as opinionated and firm.

Unknown said...

hmm.... i think niceness is an important quality , but its not essential for running a country. of course you can't run the country being all cocky and do what you want , because the U.S. is a democracy and thats just...not a democracy. it doesn't nessacarily matter if the candidate is male or female though.
this may be a bit unclear on what im trying to get out...but it made sense in my head.