December 10, 2007

The "What His Wife Could Have Been Story"

Those of you who are TV junkies such as myself may have seen a promotion for the "Billy Graham Story". The promo starts by showing some lovely pictures of a woman from the 40's saying, "She was destined to travel to Vietnam, serving the people of that country and making the world a better place," something along those lines. Then it goes on to say, "But then she met a man who won her heart. This is the story of Billy Graham and the woman who stayed by his side and supported him until the end."

Clearly, this commercial is appealing to the romantic within us all, but the feminist inside must be awakened! The "Billy Graham Story" is glorifying a woman giving up her dreams to be with her husband. It is idolizing the ultimate domesticated image! It is saying that it is the woman's duty to drop everything for her husband! It is saying that women will be rewarded more, not for their missionary work in foreign nations, but for their loyalty to their husband.

This is not a standard I plan on upholding, how about you?

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