April 15, 2008

All I Want For My Birthday Are My Two New Boobs

Alicia Douvall is apparently well known across the pond for her salacious snapshots and penchant for plastic surgery. Now, her 13-year-old daughter, Georgia, is joining the silicone celebration with her birthday present, a breast augmentation.

"My mum always taught me to take care of my appearance and that's all I've taught Georgia. Surgery's just the modern-day next level," comments Alicia. "That's why I'm happy for Georgia to have a boob job because it will give her a career."

Apparently changing Georgia's name to Destiny, legally, will give her a career as well. (Ironically, Destiny Cyrus, better known as Hannah Montana, is far easier recognized by her nickname, Miley, then she is her fateful first name.) "It was Mum's idea," Georgia/Destiny notes.

In a culture that expects even the most prepubescent of girls to be vixens, I can't say this is a shocker. Where does blame fall? A doctor willing perform surgery on breasts that are still developing? A crazy stage mother more concerned about her daughter's career than her well being? A patriarchal culture that expects all girls to be Bratz dolls? If you guessed all three, you're right. [Jezebel]

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