January 17, 2008

Modest and Misogynist

In her serialized advice column, "Miss Manners" peddles her antiquated advice on matters of money, marriage, and restaurant etiquette. In today's set, a letter-writer wondered whether she was "too conservative in [her] fashion tastes when [she saw] women [her] own age dressed in the revealing styles that younger women have adopted." She explains that the particular fashion that bothers her is the lack of bras "hindering many women."

Miss Manners, who speaks in the third person as a part of her Victorian shtick, writes back: "[s]he assures you that the bad taste you observe has nothing whatsoever to do with claiming an equal right to run around with no underwear."

First off, honey, bra-burning feminists are a myth that exists only in your bonnet-clad head. That being said, feminism and bra-wearing are mutually-exclusive. There are just as many bra-clad, angsty, shaved-head radicals as there are turtle-necked, bra-less God-fearing women. Women's liberation is as "fully dressed" as it is naked. And, unlike some, it has enough confidence in it's appearance and attire to speak in the first person.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Clothes or no clothes, the words we speak are the same.