January 21, 2008

Clinton Powers, Activate!

The Congressional Black Caucus Institute Democratic debate was last night, so it is time for a feminist-slanted commentary! Hooray!

As always, Clinton and Obama were neck and neck throughout, but Clinton deftly managed to pursue the issues that mattered and was able to deflect the more ridiculous ones. She persistently kept coming back to her views on the key issues, her goals, her plans on how to reach her goals, and why her fellow canidates' and Republican oppentents' plans weren't good enough.

This skill of hers is something that her fellow canidates cannot match. Obama tries his best, but he is still wrestling with his past voting actions and how to turn those into positive things. And Edwards is just trying to keep his head above water, the poor guy. Clinton gives the people what they want to hear, she tells them that she will bring change, but she tells you how she will do it in the same breath.

Even in relatability, Clinton showed the American people that she cares. On racism and sexism , she says, "We feel so passionately about this because we not only are running for office, but we each, in our own way, have lived it. We have seen it. We have understood the pain and the injustice that has come because of race, because of gender. And it's imperative that, as we move forward with our campaign, we make it very clear that each of us will address these issues."

Clinton will hopefully continue to deliver consistantly throughout the caucuses, and if those of you who can vote give her your support, maybe this brilliant woman will be in the White House with Obama as her second-in-command.

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